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Ortofon OM Digitrack pick-up sæt

Ortofon OM Digitrack pick-up sæt



Ortofon OM Digitrack pick-up sæt
Ortofon OM Digitrack pick-up sæ tThe newest cartridge from Ortofon, the DigiTrack responds to the next generation of turntable DJs who make extensive use of timecoded vinyl applications, such as Serato (TM) and FinalScratch (TM). With DigiTrack's low wear design and tailored frequency response increase the lifespan of timecoded vinyl records, and provides high quality sound reproduction for playing conventional vinyl records as well. DigiTrack also features excellent groove-handling capabilities for scratch and mix performance, as well as increased output voltage for improved TCV performance and better sound quality from your mixer's phono preamps.Sfæ riske nå le som i denne pick-up er billigere end elliptiske nå le. De er gode til scratching, da de har en mindre kontaktflade, men af samme å rsag slider de også mere på pladerne.

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