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Guitar / Guitar og bass effekter

Digitech Vocalist Live Pro

Digitech Vocalist Live Pro



Digitech Vocalist Live Pro
Generate live multi-part vocal harmonies accompanied by your keyboard or guitar.Any song that has the same note sung over two different chords confound conventional harmonizers. The Vocalist Live Pro is smarter than that. The Vocalist Live Pro is a rack processor based on the Vocalist Live™ 4 that includes a new MIDI interface that works with keyboards as well as guitars. Utilizing the patent-pending musIQ™ - technology combining new Note Detection algorithms with state-of-the-art Harmony Generation - and the raw power of AudioDNA2, the Vocalist Live Pro can create real-time harmonies with your live voice that are in key and perfectly on pitch. With all that processing power, we were able to pack it full of other features as well, including world-class Lexicon®

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