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Native Instruments - Guitar Rig Kontrol

Native Instruments - Guitar Rig Kontrol



Native Instruments - Guitar Rig Kontrol
Native Instruments - Guitar Rig Kontrol GUITAR RIG KONTROL is the supreme all-in-one tool for guitar and bass, pairing the Guitar Rig 4 Pro software with an ultra-flexible piece of hardware: Plug into the Rig Kontrol, and you are ready to go. The on-board studio-quality soundcard preserves all details of your instrument and playing style, while the software provides an incredible collection of perfectly modeled classic amps, cabinets, mics and effects - all arranged in a super-simple drag-and-drop rack format. Any style, any time - the perfect solution for professional studio and live setups. Native Instruments Guitar Rig Kontrol er også kendt som: Guitar-Rig-Kontrol, Guitar_Rig_Kontrol

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