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LAB OGA Duo Master ''(Single)'' Head

LAB OGA  Duo Master ''(Single)'' Head



LAB OGA Duo Master ''(Single)'' Head
Mr HECTOR new High Gain amplifier - All Tube While designing Mr. Hector amplifier we were thinking about guitar players who usually lack gain. 100W power amp is built with 4 6L6 valves. Preamp uses four 12AX7 and two 5C3S in power supply. Tone control for both cannels is used. Footswitch changes the channels over and lets switch to Master Volume potentiometers which can be set separately. Important fact is that switching Masters can be done in distortion channel as well as in clean one. This combination lets such setting that gives you possibility to pitch step by step volume control during playing solo parts just by the change - over on the footswitch.

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