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AM American DJ UC3 Wireless

AM American DJ UC3 Wireless



AM American DJ UC3 Wireless
American DJ UC3 WirelessThe American DJ UC3 Wireless was designed for DJs, Bands, Bars/Clubs and Mobile Entertainers that want to control multiple American DJ lighting fixtures that are UC3 compatible, yet still enjoy the easy-of-use the single channel UC3 controller offers. This wireless pack has 4 outputs with the capability to control 4 master fixtures and an infinite number of slave fixtures. The UC3 Wireless is compact and light-weight, and can be mounted on truss, lighting stands, walls or ceilings.Specifications:- 4 Output Wireless UC3 controller- 1 master fixture, from each output, can run an infinite number of slave units. Use 1/4" stereo cable to link between pack and master unit, and use DMX cable to link between fixtures.- Includes wireless remote: Control Stand By (Black Out), Function and Mode for each output just like the single output UC3 controller- 4x 1/4" output jacks to connect to master fixtures- Lock out function- Wireless Transmitting Distance: 325 ft. /100M- Frequency: 433.9Mhz- Power: AC 120V/60Hz or 220V/50Hz (IEC socket) – not switchable voltage- Dimensions (LxWxH): 262x100x47mm- Weight: 1.3 kg

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